Monday, February 27, 2012

Cowtown Half Marathon

Yesterday, I ventured down a road that I have dreamed of for many years.  I have been training in some form my entire life, since I was a kid.  Whether it be for little dribblers basketball, high school track, college volleyball... and now.... a half marathon.  For the past 8 or so years I'd been telling myself that my bucket list included a half - marathon.  Yesterday.... I was able to mark that one off my list! 

I've been training for the Cowtown Half Marathon with a team of amazing women since late October 2011.  These women came from all walks of life too.  Some had never ran, some ran occassionally... and one marked off her 40th half yesterday!  We all had one thing in common, Camp Gladiator.  A bootcamp we joined and then took a step further to join their run team.

I was lucky enough to have an amazing families support behind me too.  Danny, the kids and I all stayed in downtown Ft Worth Saturday night so that I could awake at 4:30 AM for breakfast at the hotel and a short ride on the shuttle over to the Will Rogers Collisium.  The start time was 7 AM and it was a chilly 43 degrees.  Shortly enough... after all the excitement and momentum buildup.... I was warm and ready to run.  Danny and the kids made their way from downtown in the car over to the stock yards.  I passed them around mile 6.5 and they were such a refreshing site to see! 

Here I am with my fellow CG runner, Lindsey as we run through the Ft Worth Stockyards.  (we are in the red tanktops.


A little closer shot shows how excited we were to see familiar faces!

Unfortunately Danny and the kids missed me coming down the final stretch.... but I passed my dad and stepmom around mile 12 and got a little teary eyed at the sight of them.  I had just came up a super tough hill, embarking on a new mileage total for 1 continuous run, and was praying the Lord would help me get the short distance to the finish line.  Luckily... my prayers were answered!  I finished my FIRST HALF-MARATHON in 2:00:21.  My goal was to run in 2 hours.  So I guess 21 seconds is close enough!

Once I completed the race they had all sorts of goodies for us to eat and drink inside the exhibit hall.  And finally.... the best site.... my family!  I got a big hug from Izzy and Colby!

Yea!  My first finishers metal!

My favorite little family!

My number 1 DAD!

Lolli & Pa... I'm so thankful you were there to support me in that last push for the finish line!

Lolli was so thoughtful!!!!  She brought me a chocolate chip cake for finishing the race!  I must admit I cheated and ate part of it on Friday night.... but I saved the "YOU DID IT" until yesterday evening!  MMM.... so delicious!
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