Saturday, January 31, 2009

Rodeo Time

I love every January because it brings along the annual Stock Show and Rodeo at Ft Worth. We had an early morning getting everyone ready and out the door so that we could make it to the 10 AM rodeo bright and early.

Before we got to the rodeo we stopped at the petting zoo. Before we even got inside there were 2 little goats jumping at each other and fighting like crazy. The black goat was half the size of the white one in the picture below... but he had NO fear. He even had other goats picking on the white one!

They gave us ice cream cones full of food to give to the animals... there were chickens, goats, bunnies, rabbits, a cow, kangaroo, and emu's. Izzy was a little hesitant to feed them from her hands and instead left that up to Danny and I.

This little baby goat thought he was a rabbit. He stayed cuddled up to them the whole time we were there.

Once our time was up at the petting zoo we headed over to the rodeo. They had already started so we got there for the grand entry. Izzy's favorite was the rodeo clown on the little pony.

Our favorite part was the wagon racing. Izzy and I picked our favorite wagon for all 3 races... but we only won 1 race... go BLUE! These guys came from Alberta and Saskatchewan.

After the rodeo we headed over to the show bars to see all the animals. Izzy fell in love with a lot of rabbits.... this particular one was huge... and had a cool toy in his cage. We had to watch the signs on each cage as a lot of the rabbits would bite.

When we went into the horse barn we found our blue wagon... woohoo!
Finally... we found the midway and all the rides. Our first was on the feris wheel. Danny was brave even though he deathly scared of heights and went for "NO hands"!

While we were on the feris wheel we looked over and saw a giant slide. Izzy and I had to ride together as she's still a little short to go alone... we had a blast going all the way down. See us in the purple lane WAY up there!

A midway shot....
Another midway shot....

And finally at the bottom....

Danny and Izzy tried their luck at this moving staircase... I was dying laughing at them... finally the carney turned down the speed for them.
We found a worm ride that went really slow, then fast, then up and down... pretty fun. And even better because no one else was coming up to ride it so the carney let us go around 4 times!!!!!!!!!!!

Our last ride was this big circular tube that went round a round... hard to walk on it.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Yea for Ice Days

Who doesn't love snow/ice days when you don't have to go to work or school. We had the pleasure of staying home today and entertaining Izzy for a while.

First thing she wanted to do was dress up in a princess costume and dance. So we went up stairs and she picked out her tinkerbell costume, with brown tights and colorful polka dots, and her yellow minnie mouse shoes. ADORABLE....

Then, she decided to talk on her pooh bear phone for a while. Her friends Alyssa and Brooke were having a sleep over and Izzy was making her plans to come over.

Molly was there for support!

She gave that up to go slide around outside for a while. Izzy thought it was so cool that the grass crunched under her feet. She tried to help Lucy find little nuts on the ground to eat...

We found a sheet of ice on our holly bush and was able to peel a piece off of one of the leaves.

We now have 2 of those in our freezer!

The puppies even thought it was a cold day.... they were cuddling on the couch. (And that's really RARE)!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Putt Putt

Sunday, after walking through the Ft Worth Home and Garden Show we decided to add a little excitement to our afternoon by playing Putt Putt. We had talked with Izzy about it a few times and planned to go before winter this year.... but we just never got to it.

Izzy found a pink putter and bright yellow ball to play with.

We found a little putt putt spot close to our house that was just perfect. It was Izzy's first time to play so she was bouncing everywhere.

Both Daddy and I were trying to show her how to hold her putter and had to remind her to come around to the left side of the ball many times.

Danny thinks she may be meant to be a lefty but would be best at a righty so she could use our clubs. Either way we really had a blast!

Below Izzy watches the "Pro".

Izzy and Daddy stop for a sweet shot....

Then a shot with Ms. Bailey before we head home!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ft Worth Stock Show Parade

We packed up and headed to Ft Worth early Saturday morning to enjoy our annual outing at the Ft Worth Stock Show Parade in downtown. My dad has went for years to ride along on his mule with his friend Thump and his wagon. It the craziest thing.... horses, mules, and bulls, big and small will march down the main streets in FW amongst crowds of of ten thousand.
Dad brought over Andy, with the star on his forehead, and Lilly.
They both ride very well along the streets with all the crowds.
We've taken Izzy the past two years to ride Andy around the park grounds prior to them riding in the parade. Izzy just loves Andy. Here are a few shots of us riding in our pink cowgirl hat!
Izzy was actually reining Andy around a little.
All the exhibitors (about 300) get lined up according to a pre-assigned number right before the parade starts. Danny, Izzy and I head down to the streets of Ft Worth to find a comfy spot to sit and watch everyone that goes by.
The newspaper later said that there were about 10,000 people in the streets to watch the parade. Below is a shot from where we were looking at the court house. The streets were filled with onlookers!
Izzy stayed on her Daddy's shoulders most of the time so she could get a good look at everything. Ronald McDonald came by in a wagon as you can see in the background!
I thought the little buggy below with the dog pulling it was adorable. These people looked like they were right off Little House on the Prairie!
Another little buggy was pulled by a little Shetland pony.
Finally my dad's posse came by... everyone was still on!
Dad and Steven Towler pose for a quick shot before taking off again.....

Engagement Photo Time

After being engaged for over 6 months, Danny and I are finally getting started on wedding stuff. The first of which we had some engagement photo's taken in Paris. Tracie (my best friend from high school) was kind enough to say yes when I asked her to take them for us. It was special that she get to do that for us as I know she's always wanted to become a professional. As you'll see below.... She did great.... THANKS TRA!!!!!

Danny and I never leave the house without our fishing poles and tackle box when we head to Paris. We've spent many of our afternoons catching little perch, sunfish, and bass in my dad's pond so I thought it would be special to take some photo's out on the pier. It was about 40 degrees out with 15 MPH winds so we were snapping quickly. We finished in about 15 minutes and headed inside for a few last shots.